Chocolate, Polyphenols and Health protection
Chocolate and cocoa derived products had only been assumed as exquisite niceties for centuries. Nevertheless chocolate has recently been admited as an important source of phytochemicals with potential beneficial health effects. Chocolate is one of the foods with more concentrated polyphenol content, mainly those of the flavonoid class such as procianidins, chatequins and epichatequins.
MAYDATA, Buenaventura Alfredo GUTIÉRREZ. "Chocolate, polifenoles y protección a la salud." Acta Farm. Bonaerense 21.2 (2002): 149-52.
Increasing evidences suggest that cocoa products could be useful against cardiovascular diseases or cancer; either as food or in the field of therapeutic products. Nonetheless much more research is needed to define the real profit of chocolate consumption for human health and to determine with precision the implicated mechansim for chocolate polyphenols actions.
ISSN 0326-2383
MAYDATA, Buenaventura Alfredo GUTIÉRREZ. "Chocolate, Polyphenols and Health protection." Acta Farm. Bonaerense 21.2 (2002): 149-52.
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