Beige can be slimming

How can we decrease the body's energy efficiency? The answer to this could be used to fight the exploding obesity crisis. Our ability to accumulate and retain energy reserves once provided a survival advantage.

Ishibashi, Jeff, and Patrick Seale. "Beige can be slimming." Science 328.5982 (2010): 1113-1114.

However, these ingrained energy-conservation pathways are now driving unprecedented weight gain in modern societies where calorie-dense food pervades. Burning off excess fuel (analogous to heating a house in winter with the windows open) may be an effective therapeutic avenue to reduce obesity when diet and exercise are not enough. On page 1158 in this issue, Vegiopoulos et al. demonstrate that the fatty acid derivatives called prostaglandins encourage adipocytes (fat cells) to do exactly this—waste energy through increased heat production (1).

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Ishibashi, Jeff, and Patrick Seale. "Beige can be slimming." Science 328.5982 (2010): 1113-1114.

Eco Slim ™ Drops are the most recent breakthrough in natural dieting, which has just appeared on the market. Due to specially selected ingredients it helps to lose unnecessary kilograms, improves your mood and has a positive effect on your overall health. Eco Slim ™ – Innovation in the field of natural weight loss. The ingredients of EcoSlim Drops are nitroglycerine and a mix of a few plant extracts. The most essential of them are the extracts from green tea leaves, ginger root and hawthorn fruit. Let’s have a closer look at each of these components.

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